
Hi! I’m Becca, Bex, Bec, Becky, whatever you want – a fun, demurely flirty, cheeky, giggly, sarcastic, and open-minded (fallen) angel sent from heaven to make deserving people happy.

I love music, dancing, laughing, shopping, good company, flirting, intelligent conversation, cuddles, gifts, and shopping. Did I mention shopping twice? I like shopping. 🙂

I think ‘complex’ sums me up. I’m a mixture of seemingly conflicting facets; a puzzle that takes a while solve.

One of my facets is blogging on various things, as the mood takes me. I don’t blog regularly.

I also enjoy photography – you can see some of my work on Flickr at www.flickr.com/photos/rebecca_ashbourne

If you’re in-world in Second Life then feel free to say “hi” – I am Rebecca Ashbourne. I’m not on that often these days though and might not reply.

My SL profile can be viewed at my.secondlife.com/rebecca.ashbourne#about_tab

You can also find me on Facebook

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Becca, Wow! 🙂 Started reading your blog an was blown away! And, I’m a “retired” software developer from one of the largest national insurance companies.
    I’m was looking for a way to move the order of my picks around in FireStorm (and am still looking).
    I was amazed that the first blog entry, maybe second or third … , anyway, your blog entry was a tutorial how the create the environment to create my own browser build. Can’t express how happy and grateful this makes me!
    Love you!
    Dyer Slade

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