Posted in Emerald, Imprudence, Phoenix / Firestorm, Second Life, Viewers

Viewer usage in Second Life, post-Emerald

As I wander around Second Life at the moment, I’m keeping my eyes open for what viewers people seem to be using. Not in a clipboard and notebook way, just getting a feeling.

Before the Emerald scandal, an awful lot of people would have been using Emerald. In fact, up until the point it was blocked there were still a significant number of people using it.

Now that Emerald has been blocked, I was expecting to see a marked increase in the usage of Phoenix and Imprudence, with possibly the odd Emergence from people who don’t realise it is a dead-end choice.

Instead, I’m seeing a handful of Imprudence, the odd Phoenix and a handful of “LGG Proxy” (which I assume is Emergence). And, amazingly, I’m still seeing the odd Emerald (which surely shouldn’t be allowed?)
Everyone else displays no Viewer tag which either means they are using an Official Viewer or else have suppressed transmitting their tag. I know a number of friends who do the latter so this is obviously skewing my results.

I am left with the feeling that public confidence in Third Party Viewers has been severely knocked and people are returning to the Official Viewers in droves. I’d be interested in hearing other peoples’ comments on this.

Posted in Emerald, Imprudence, Second Life, Viewers

Emerald, Emergence, Phoenix – confused? You’re not alone!

I was talking to a friend in Second Life today who was really scratching her head over what viewer was what and what the hell was going on. So this is just a short post for her and anyone else who might benefit.

  • Emerald – well, I think everyone knows about Emerald. And those that are still running it are simply ignorant or don’t care.
  • Emergence – this is a sanitised Emerald (ie. Emerald with the bad stuff taken out) that was done by LordGregGreg. Don’t get too attached to it because he has said he is not going to develop it further. So there will be no updates. This is partly because he is now on the development team of…
  • Phoenix – this is another sanitised Emerald and is being actively developed by some of the ex-Emerald team. They are following good software practises as detailed in this post of mine, so I have very high hopes that this is going to be a goodie.
  • Imprudence – this has nothing to do with Emerald and is a completely different Viewer. It is also following good software practises. I wrote a short review on it here

There are other Viewers out there too – Cool Viewer and Kirsten’s Viewer, for example. However I don’t have enough experience of them to comment.