Posted in Fashion, Second Life, Shopping

Le Phenix by Azoury

Typically bonkers footwear by Azoury, currently at FaMESHed.

Obviously I had to buy it. I absolutely love how “out there” Azoury is and often purchase their stuff. This included.

L$419 which includes both Gold and Silver metal versions as separate objects (no HUD). In fact you could wear silver on one foot and gold on the other, should you wish.

Versions for LaraX, Legacy, Inithium: Kupra, Kalhene: Erika, eBody: Reborn, and Belleza: GenX Female Curvy. You get all versions and both metals for your L$419

The LaraX version (which is the only one I tested) does not auto-hide and you must either hide your feet or else wear the supplied BoM alpha.