Posted in Exploring, Photography, Second Life

The Blade Runner Sim

Last week, Inara Pey alerted us all to an amazing sim by Hera (Zee9)

(see… )

In my 14+ years on SL this is quite probably the most amazing, most detailed, most immersive sim I have ever visited.

I took loads of photos (over several visits), and since my free Flickr account has a 1000 pic limit, and also since I choose to make my Flickr stream highly curated, I thought it better to create a blog post to feature all the photos. Plus it gives me more freedom to talk you through both my photos and also the sim.

All of the photos are in 1440px height resolution. Do please click on each pic to see it in full resolution, because the large thumbnails just don’t do them justice and this is meant to be a photo gallery!



This is an Adult sim and some of the following pics may be of an adult nature, although I have chosen to pixelate some of the most sexual content. However, there may be some artful nudity.

Continue reading “The Blade Runner Sim”

Posted in Exploring, Second Life

The Path

If you haven’t already visited this amazing Installation Art project then you’re really missing something.

It’s a collaborative project at the new Linden Endowment for the Arts sims, curated by Bryn Oh and developed along the lines of the Surrealists’ Exquisite Corpse

The participating artists are:
1 – Bryn Oh
2 – Colin Fizgig
3 – Marcus Inkpen
4 – Douglas Story and Desdemona Enfield
5 – Maya Paris
6 – claudia222 Jewell
7 – Scottius Polke
8 – Rose Borchovski

Visit it at

See also……

Posted in Exploring, General, Second Life

Lest we forget

Lest we forget
Lest we forget

My friend Rorrim Wrigglesworth has built this wonderful Garden of Remembrance, which includes The Cenotaph.

Please do visit it to pay your respects. It is located at RoBeck land in Second Life (click here for SURL)

The Two Minute Silence is at 11:00am 11th Nov 2011 (UK time, which is 3am SLT/PST) and Remembrance Day will be on Sunday 13th Nov this year.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Update: I was at the Garden of Remembrance for the Two Minute Silence, and was very moved that there were 11 other people there at the appointed time (11am UK time).
We were all silent and then just after 11.02am somebody said something appropriate. I added the quote in italics above and someone immediately echoed “We will remember them” (which is the correct and traditional response).
A few more very appropriate things were also said.

It doesn’t sound much, but it was very moving and very special. Possibly the most special thing I have experienced in my 4 years on Second Life.

Posted in Exploring, Fashion, Photography


Konnichiwa, originally uploaded by Becca Ashbourne.

The creativity and ingenuity of the residents of Second Life never ceases to amaze and delight me, and none more so than sims that have beautiful attention to detail and are a visual treat.

I was exploring, looking for Japanese sims for a photo shoot I wanted to do, and came across the simply wonderful Japan Dream Kenjin. This sim is so worth a visit – it’s a seaside fishing town that is just crammed with visual detail and atmosphere.

Skin: Sophie by DrLife
Hair: Holly by KeeLee Designs
Outfit & shoes: Hentai Hottie 2.0 (Classic Version) by Danika
Backpack: Randoseru Japanese backpack by House of Curios