Posted in General, Site News

Broken links and empty bank accounts

Two minor items of news

Ever since migrating to a new web host, I have been noticing broken picture links on my blog posts. Turns out that this was due to JetPack’s Site Performance tools trying (and failing) to cache photos resulting in broken links

Turning that off means that all pics are served properly and are no longer broken.

The other bit of news is that I have finally given in and paid for Flickr Pro. This is mainly because Flickr were running a promo of 20% off on either annual or 2-year subscriptions, to celebrate Second Life’s 20th anniversary.

I sort of have mixed feelings on this for the reasons I outlined in a previous post, but I thought the discount made it worth doing. It also allows me to be less worried about reaching that 1000 limit again, and allows me to post racier pics again.


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