Posted in Opinion, Site News

Maybe blogging isn’t for me

You may have noticed that I had a brief flurry of doing short fashion blog posts whilst shopping.

I thought maybe this was a thing I might do regularly.

Sadly, I decided it wasn’t worth the effort. So it has sort of fizzled out again.


Posted in General, Site News

Broken links and empty bank accounts

Two minor items of news

Ever since migrating to a new web host, I have been noticing broken picture links on my blog posts. Turns out that this was due to JetPack’s Site Performance tools trying (and failing) to cache photos resulting in broken links

Turning that off means that all pics are served properly and are no longer broken.

The other bit of news is that I have finally given in and paid for Flickr Pro. This is mainly because Flickr were running a promo of 20% off on either annual or 2-year subscriptions, to celebrate Second Life’s 20th anniversary.

I sort of have mixed feelings on this for the reasons I outlined in a previous post, but I thought the discount made it worth doing. It also allows me to be less worried about reaching that 1000 limit again, and allows me to post racier pics again.


Posted in Flickr, Photography, Site News

Flickr’s 1000 picture limit

I joined Second Life in 2006, and created a Flickr account for my Second Life pics in 2008, and up until Flickr’s new 1000 photo limit came in semi-recently I had photos going right back to the beginning. However, in order to fit in with the new limit I had to delete a few photos.

Not changed between then and now as I haven’t been in SL much, and hadn’t been taking a lot of photos. However, I’ve started taking photos again and want to upload them to Flickr so even more old photos need to go. So I took the brave decision to delete any photo older than 10 years old, no matter how many views, faves, and comments it had.

I now have 419 photos left. I guess I was pretty prolific in the first 2 years!

The photos aren’t gone forever, because they are backed up on a self-hosted gallery here on this domain. But all the faves, comments, and view counts are now lost… like tears in rain.


Backup, including old photos:

Posted in Site News

I’m now self-hosting my blog

If you’re visiting my blog then you may have noticed that the address has changed.

The nice guys at DataHamster have let me have space on their server to host my blog, rather than relying on

The main reason I have done this is so that I can have redirects, which means that whenever I update my Compiling Your Own Viewer post, I can make sure that the link does not become broken.

The other advantage is that visitors don’t get spammed by adverts inserted by either. You’re welcome. 🙂

The only downside is that although comments came across ok, “likes” did not come across. 🙁